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Men’s Groups

Who Let The Dads Out

Who Let The Dads Out is a friendly monthly group, that meet in the church hall to enjoy a bacon and sausage sarnies and a cuppa whilst enjoying the company of other men. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month (not July, August or December).

Men are welcome with or without children. There’s plenty for the children with craft, games and fun, so you have time to make new friends, relax and have a chat. No need to book.

Our 1st meeting in 2023 will be Saturday 21st January.

We look forward to meeting you!

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry team has run several sessions reflecting on specific verses of scripture and discussing how these have influenced and challenged us on our journeys of faith.  

We are extremely thankful to those who have provided their insights and we are looking forward to running similar sessions in the future.

Golf Day

The annual St Mary’s Golf Day is organised by the Men’s Group, but not exclusive to men.

Join us for our popular annual golf event at The Drift Golf Course time tbc on Thursday 6 July 2023. Last year’s cost was £37 with BBQ at the club afterwards. This is open to friends and family too!

Watch out for further details by revisiting here or going to our What’s On.   In the meantime if you have any questions please contact the Parish Office on

We look forward to having an afternoon together!

Would you like to find out more?

If you’re interested in joining any men’s groups or would like to organise/help an event or group please let us know – we would love to hear from you!