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How can I give to the work of St Mary’s Church?

We raise the income needed to run the church and its ministries ourselves.  Along
with fundraising activities, our funds come from gifting and regular giving. We hope
that you will prayerfully consider supporting us.

REGULAR GIVING – This is the backbone of our income and enables us to plan activities with certainty. By gift aiding this can be increased by 25%. There are two ways you can give:

Online through our portal on the Parish Giving Scheme. This is the preferred option. It is easy to set up a regular payment and to change or cancel it online at any time. If you tick the gift aid option gift aid will automatically be added and collected by the scheme. This saves on administration by both the giver and the church. It is secure and all the amount donated, and any gift aid will be received by St Marys. Donations are collected by direct debit on the 1st day of every month. To access our portal to the scheme please click on the this button:

Alternatively, if you would prefer you can set up a regular direct debit by completing a Parish Giving Scheme form and forwarding this to Chris Rickard (Treasurer) as directed in support below.

Standing Order set up on your bank account: Bank details will be found on the standing order section of this form. If you use this section, please give it to your bank. Please complete the form and the gift aid part if appropriate and forward to Chris Rickard (Treasurer) as directed.


Card Donations may be made through the Parish Giving Scheme link above. The donations can be gift aided.

Bank Transfer or Cheque – Bank details will be found on this form. Please complete the form and the gift aid part if appropriate and forward to Chris Rickard (Treasurer) as directed.

Other Ways of Giving – There is a collection box near to the entrance of the church. An envelope scheme is available.

SUPPORT – For help or further information please contact Chris Rickard (Treasurer) via the Parish Office 01372 375000. Documents addressed to Chris Rickard may be posted to 10A The Rectory, Fetcham. Surrey, KT22 9AZ, put in the collection box at the entrance to the church or dropped off to the Parish Office in the hall.


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